Celebrates the abundance of life with local food, fiber, and fun
Celebrates the abundance of life with local food, fiber, and fun
The Spicy Lamb Farm raises seed stock production Dorset sheep, free range Rouen duck, bees, organic varieties of apples, pears, and plums, spicy herbs and vegetables, and flowers. This Cuyahoga Valley National Park farm is also the home of the Cuyahoga Valley Sheep Dog Trials, a proud sponsor of Urban Shepherds, and a Northcoast Lamb CoOp member. We invite you to enjoy our gourmet lamb and duck and wool and other products which are sold off the farm by appointment.
We welcome visitors only for special events, classes, and group tours. Appointments are needed to shop for products. Tours and pavilion rentals should be scheduled at least three months in advance. We are a small family farm which makes non-scheduled visits impossible when we are tending our livestock and working.
"A farm should be aesthetically, aromatically, and sensuously appealing. A place that is attractive to the senses. A farm shouldn't be producing ugly things. It should be producing beautiful things. We're going to eat them." --- Darwin Kelsey
The Spicy Lamb Farm celebrates the abundance of life with local food, fiber, and fun. The farm, originally built in 1914, is located on 12 acres in the Village of Peninsula in the heart of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP), surrounded by mature woodlands. This family farm has been run by the DeYoung family since 2007. In 2018, an additional 14 acres of pasture at Camp Ledgewood, down the road in the Village of Boston Heights, was leased from the Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio.
The Spicy Lamb Farm is located at the dead end of Akron Peninsula Road off of Boston Mills Road in Peninsula, Ohio in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
Hikers and equestrian can get to the farm from the Buckeye and Valley Bridle Trails or by climbing "Dugway Hill" from the Village up the closed portion of Akron Peninsula Road.
Bikers can also reach the farm up "Dugway Hill" from the Village or from the MetroParks Rail to Trail at the mountain bike trailhead on Boston Mills.
The Spicy Lamb Farm offers special events for visitors to the CVNP. Please see the Events link tab below for detailed information and reservations.
For private event or tour inquiries, please email Laura@TheSpicyLamb.com
Please note that we are work and study off the farm so please do not show up unannounced.
We are a welcoming, family-friendly farm. This means you will encounter people from all different walks of life. We encourage diversity. We have a zero-tolerance policy for aggressive, bullying, or any behaviour we deem unkind. If in doubt, the answer is no.
All children, under the age of 18, must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian unless pre-approved by the farm leadership. Any damages as a result of inappropriate behaviour or cruel, destructive, or inhumane treatment of farm animals and property will be addressed by farm staff. Violators will be removed immediately and/or legal remedies will pursued.
The Spicy Lamb Farm
6560 Akron Peninsula Road, Peninsula, Ohio 44264
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