Whether you want mentoring to start a farm someday or just want to spend time at The Spicy Lamb Farm learning, we would like to help design a volunteer experience to best suit your interests.
We offer:
· Hands-on animal husbandry training (sheep, ducks, rabbits, horses)
· Training for those new to orchards or gardening
· Free attendance at our educational programs and workshops (if space is available)
If you’re a vegetarian/vegan, you may not want to work on our farm. We don’t want you to put yourself in a situation you may be uncomfortable in or unwilling to do the work. You will need to be sensitive to being on a family farm and make sure you’re willing to give it your all and be as useful as possible.
We also ask that volunteers be 16 years or older. Please note that there is no convenient public transportation to The Spicy Lamb Farm. You will need to have farm appropriate attire: boots or rubber boots, clothing that can get dirty, gloves & a mask if you’re sensitive to dust.
We ask that our volunteers be able to commit to a regular schedule. Farmers always have to work to do. There are always things that need to get done. Make sure you clarify how many hours per day or week you want to work. We ask that you volunteer at least four hours per week for at least eight weeks. It takes time to train you and for you to learn the system. We’ve found that two months is about the right length of time to get comfortable enough to be useful and to truly learn how to do what we do. If you want to maximize your usefulness and learning, volunteer longer! We accept volunteers all year round for various amounts of time; however, we need the most help from March through October.
Group volunteers for one day are also welcome.
The type of work varies depending upon the season but includes:
· Story telling
· Gardening
· Livestock duties
· Assisting with programs and special events
· Repairs and other odd jobs in which the volunteer is skillful
Volunteering on the farm can be an enriching experience. You’ll build an intimate connection with the livestock. You’ll learn what it takes for farmers to bring food to the table, and, even if you never farm for yourself, you’ll be able to make better choices about the food you buy. If you are interested in volunteering, we would love to have you. Email Laura@TheSpicyLamb.com
From January to May, things get really busy on the farm with new lambs being born round the clock. We are looking for volunteers to help us look after the ewes and new born lambs during this time.
Most of the ewes get brought into the barn before they give birth, then we need to keep a close eye on them to make sure they have their lambs safely. Once the sheep has lambed, she is moved to a claiming pen; and, each day, we need to provide fresh food, water, and bedding. In a few days, after they are banded and tagged, they are out and with others in their age group. groups of their After a while they are then herded back out into the fields. We would not expect any volunteers to intervene or assist a ewe when lambing, only to alert one of the family members who will be around or on call.
We would chat about what you would be comfortable in doing, and set out a clear rotation of shift patterns to check and look after the sheep. Once your trained and feel comfortable you may be solo, with support close at hand. Hours can fly by when your invested in the animals and witness the excitement of a new birth.
You don’t need much prior knowledge, just a keen interest in sheep farming and an eagerness to learn.
The Spicy Lamb Farm
6560 Akron Peninsula Road, Peninsula, Ohio 44264